Sunday, November 25, 2012

Shaggy One

Hey Guys!
The battle begins this week. I feel like I'm the dumbest person in the world! Since I missed lots of classes last few weeks, I had to catch up. Unfortunately, I failed. I didn't make it on my quizzes. I've completely lost my confidence for this SA1, I really don't feel like having tests this early, I need more time!
I haven't hung myself out this month, like, every plan was cancelled on last minutes. So, ew. Besides, I prefer to stay at home nowadays, I'm bored of the same environment, like the malls I used to visit almost every week with my 'so-called friends'.
Things are not good recently, unlike everybody who has had good days, mine has gone in contrary. Gloomy as f*ck.
This week will be tough.
Seeya Soon Guys!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fillet Fist

Hey Guys!
Life is bad.
SA1 is coming really soon, and phew, will be struggling throughout the week.
Seeya Soon Guys!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Geek A Week

Hey Guys!
I'm so addicted to games nowadays, lol. And the reason I didn't blog few days ago is because I couldn't stop playing games. I played 2 games until the end in about 7,5 hours, like haha! I spent 1,5 hours to finish the game 'Pizza Frenzy', and 6 hours for 'Insaniquarium Deluxe'. I was pretty surprised when I realized that I had reached the end of the games. And currently I'm addicted to one game, 'The Sims 3'. I've had that game for ages, and this is the first time I figured it very exciting, like haha!

Check out Melda's blog, photographs are by me. :)
School starts tomorrow, back to routines, seeing people doing shits, like asdfghjkl.
Seeya Soon Guys!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Hey Guys!
So all I did was sitting in front of youtube, downloading as many videos as I could, and probably used up all of my internet credits.
Watched TED today, I had waited for ages just to watch this movie, haha. For like finally~
have just had a cut
The day was so plain and boring, I'm out!
Seeya Soon Guys!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Like WOW

Hey Guys!
Life has been so good these past few days, like wow. I've accomplished many things this week. Like, being on the rank 75 on a broad competition, and what I've just achieved - scored 91 on an English Tuition placement test. Well, I'm planning to prepare myself for IELTS, so I decided to take an English tuition in a famous tuition centre here in my city. The result was, quite unexpected. My mom said that "I'm quite doubtful that you can answer 81 questions out of 108!" she underestimated me -_-. Well, since the passing score to take IELTS preparation course is 81, my mom thought I couldn't make it. But see? I scored 91!
 Photo was taken last Sunday
Anyway, 4 days holiday starts tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited...
Idk guys, people suck.
Seeya Soon Guys!
Buenas Noches ♡

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sunkist Kissed

Hey Guys!
I've just had some fun with sunkist tonight. I learnt how to make good use of sunkist for my skin from a video on youtube. And ta-da, my face is now really smooth! I don't know, maybe almost as soft as baby's skin. How lovely! <3
Ugh, I still need to complete lessons that I missed last week. I really don't feel like going back to routines, you know?
Seeya Soon Guys!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Hey Guys!
It's been a week! I've been very busy, extra busy indeed. I was preparing myself for a Chemistry competition today. And the result was, not bad for a newcomer - 75 out of 288 participants. For me, I've won, since it's my very first time to join this kind of competition. My teacher told me that I was already good enough to correctly answered 12 questions. I made 17 mistakes, and I left 31 questions unanswered. Idk, is it good or bad?
Nah, now I feel a little bit 'free'. It's like a part of my worries is now gone. But still, I have a lot of things to worry about...

Check out Melda's blog! Photos were taken by me ;)
Watched 'Taken' last week
Still feeling satisfied,
Seeya Soon Guys!

Sunday, November 04, 2012


Hey Guys!
New trick of photography:
Motok's dinner tonight:
Idk, but I have nothing to say today. I'm out.
Seeya Soon Guys!

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Chew The Rag

Hey Guys!
It's already November!
Seeing Evelyn's blog gives me the feeling of 'something'. Well, I don't know how to explain that 'something' to you. She has moved to Singapore, I remember that time when we took scholarship tests together, how we struggled, how we apprehensively waited for the results, and yeah, she made it. I somehow envy her for living and studying overseas, she obviously has better environment, not to harass my own country, but I've visited Singapore for some times and I feel Singapore is better - my opinion. We actually have the same dream, and now she's one step ahead, I'm happy for you, pal!
I'm currently waiting for my turn, now you know why I always want the time to fly faster. I'm sick of being like this, how my first year of highschool sucks. I'm surrounded by stupid-dumb-silly-brainless-idiotic ignorants, or the abusive word - morons. "Like, we are not meant to be together, so f*ck off!"
Not to be arrogant, but this is what I see - morons everywhere. I don't say that I'm the smartest person in the Earth, but hey, why are you being so shameless? *okay, I don't know what I'm saying about.*

November wishes:
- Time flies faster
- Better English accent

Am working hard to reach my dream.~
Morons just don't know how precious every second is.
Seeya Soon Guys!